Transferring photos onto metal

Using an ink jet printer and flashing paper.

You are able to transfer photos onto metal by using a thin sheet of aluminium, cut it down to the size you want. This should be based on the size of your photograph you want to use. Before you even think of placing it into your printer you need to sand it down, by using 600 grit. this removes the top layer, you also need to repeat this to the other side too. This reason for this is so the ink is able to set on the metal.  After you have done this step you need to wipe it down with a cloth and use some polish this removes any little shards and nicks on the aluminium that could cut you or damage the printer.

After you have done the steps you now need to use a product called inkjet precoat, this sticks to the aluminium. Before you do it use double sided sellotape on the shiny side of the metal and slowly pour on the precoat on to the non-shiny side and making sure it goes into the corners.  You now need to place the flashing paper on top of the sellotape, this makes the light travel through and sticks onto the aluminium. Also, make sure that the flashing paper is placed on the side you want to print facing upwards.

Hop onto your computer and load up the photo you wish to use, go into photoshop if you have it and resize the photo if you need to. Now load your printer with the flashing paper and a plain piece of paper, make sure that sanded side is on top so its able to print onto. The last step is to print your photograph onto the metal, and let it dry.

I wanted to do colour transfers of photos but most people seem to only do Black & White, they also tended to use copper or brass sheets of metal. I have considered using other metals but have to think about the cost, and my time as each process takes a minimum of an hour. In the future, I may consider revisiting this technique.


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